New Culture Forum
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London, SW1P 3QL
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Does Your Parliamentary Candidate
support our 10 Pledges to Save Britain?
In our popular new book State of Emergency, we set out ten pledges to save Britain from cultural obliteration. We have contacted almost every Conservative, Reform and SDP parliamentary candidate to ask whether they stand with us in supporting these pledges.
We had 179 responses, of which 150 said they were pleased to support our pledges.
Scroll down to read the pledges and find out if any of your local candidates support them.
Kane Blackwell
Alan Cook
Alastair Gray
Alexander Conrad Culley
Amelia Randall
Andrew Southall
Andy Banwell
Ben Habib (Reform UK Deputy Leader)
Ben Jackson
Byron Davis
Carolyn Grant
Catrin Thomas Price
Charles Anthony Keal
Charles Hansard
Charles Spencer Bunker
Chris Farmer
Clare Fawcett
Craig Birtwistle
David Dews
David McLennan
Don Brookes
Donald Brookes
Elaine Williams
Emmett Jenner
Eric Masters
Garry Irvin
Hamish Haddow
Harry Palmer
Helen Hims
Ian Collier
Ian Cooper
Ian Gribbin
Jack Brookes
James Fletcher
James Townley
Jamie Orange
Jane Duckworth
John Dowdle
John Gager
Joseph Fox
Joshua Kim
Joshua Leon Pearl
Kabeer Kher
Kenneth Ferguson
Kevan Chippindall-Higgin
Mark Robinson
Mark Zimmer
Martin Hess
Martin Houlden
Matt Wood
Matthew Swainson
Melvyn Todd
Michael Bagley
Michael Jordan
Micheal Mann
Michael Walker
Nicholas Goulding
Oliver Speakman Tatton
Paul MacDonnell
Paul Quickenden
Paul Williams
Peter Langley
Peter Little
Peter Morris
Rhys Burriss
Richard J. Shaw
Richard Kelly
Richard Leppington
Richard Oakley
Roger Tarrant
Rowland O'Connor
Saba Poursaeedi
Sandra Daniells
Scott Cameron
Simon Evans
Simon Moorehead
Steve Beatty
Steve Dean
Stuart Marchant
Susan Laird
Terence Longstaff
Teresa Hall
Tony Glover
Tony Gould
Trevor Lloyd-Jones
Vic Applegate
Alastair Mellon
Alexander Bramham
Alistair Miller
Andrew Flaxman
Ben Smith
Carl Buckfield
Chris Collin
Chris Stephenson
Craig Marshall
Daniel Paul Whetstone
Daniel Woodruffe
Dickon Fletcher
Ian Gibson
Ian Grattidge
Ivan Kinsman
James Gunn
Jane Gibson
Jason Maguire
Jim McNeill
John Bright
John Dowling
Kyn Pomlett
Luke Buchan
Martin Broomfield
Martin Paul Evison
Maryse Pomlett
Matt Leese
Matthew Murphy
Matthew Wilkinson
Maya Severyn
Michael McGetrick
Mike Smith
Neil Norton
Paul Murphy
Paul Topping
Peter Wheeler
Richard Harrison
Rob Walker
Robert Malyn
Rod Liddle
Rowena Easton
Sara Smith
Shaun Long
Simon Breedon
Stephen Balogh
Stephen Lewthwaite
Steve Gardner
Steve Kelleher
Steve Tanner
Tim O'Rourke
Timothy Burt
Tom Chittenden
Trevor Lake
Valerie Gray
Wendy Long
William Clouston (SDP Leader)
Yvonne Wilding
Attic Rahman
Paul Howell
Yousef Dahmash
Dennis Saunders
Mark Ashdown
Michael Bailey
Richard Barker
Roger Clark
Jonathon Mabbutt