New Culture Forum
55 Tufton Street
London, SW1P 3QL
(44) 207 340 6059
Who We Are
State of Emergency
A Voice for the Silenced Majority
State of Emergency completes the trilogy of the New Culture Forum’s recent set of "culture war resistance" publications, alongside The Long March (2020) and Fighting Back (2022).
This new publication is based on a series of ten pledges that in effect make up the NCF’s political ‘manifesto’, the set of things we believe must happen to save Britain from cultural obliteration.
Fighting Back
Defending Britain and the West
in the Culture War
Following on from The Long March, the New Culture Forum’s highly successful 2020 publication, Fighting Back offers positive and constructive suggestions on how best to defend both British and Western culture in the face of an unprecedented onslaught. Our expert contributors offer their own perspective on what is unique and valuable about our society and civilisation and why indeed it has become critical to defend them. From Emma Webb’s advice on how to fight woke and Dr. David Starkey’s observations on patriotism, to Prof. Eric Kaufmann’s thoughts on a ‘counter long march’ and Calvin Robinson’s call to save the Church of England, the contributors to this volume do not simply wring their hands but offer courses of action which also give us reasons for optimism and hope. The foreword is written by Nick Timothy CBE, former Chief of Staff at No. 10 Downing Street and a columnist for The Telegraph
Tess Brown
Office Manager
Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.
Lisa Rose
Product Manager
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